Outspoken (and foolishly spoken, if I may add) Muslim cleric Taj al-Din al-Hilali, the head of Australia's largest mosque, says that wearing a veil upholds modesty for women and that the Christian Bible 'mandates' that women should wear veils. Now, this man can believe whatever he wants, but when he tries to tell women what to do, and deceitfully uses the Bible to support his tyrannical claims, he has crossed my line.
I fully respect the right of Muslim women to choose to cover their heads. Whether we like it or not, it is their personal freedom to choose their creed and way of fashion. But, I contest the notion that 'the veil upholds the modesty and protects the dignity of women, whether Muslim or non-Muslim', as written by Hilali.
The Macquarie dictionary defines 'modest' as 'not showy or extravagant' and 'having or showing regard for proper behaviour, speech, dress, etc' and 'decent'. How is walking around in public with your own unadorned head on your shoulders showy or extravagant or improper or indecent? I've seen women with straightened hair, curled hair, dyed hair, but never indecent hair. Nor have I seen any female scalps, ears or neck being sexually provocative and extravagant.
Now, Hilali claims the veil is to protect women from senseless sexual predators. If a man decides to violate me because he could see my hair, is that my fault 'tempting' him? If a petty thief sees me carrying a $20 handbag and still decides to rob me, is it my fault that I was robbed, since I was carrying a 'showy' bag? If I get molested while on the bus, is it my fault for attempting to commute with my body on public transport? If a group of men heckled and whistled at me while I walked past them, is it my fault for walking near men? If I was raped while out jogging, is it my fault for exposing myself to danger outside? If I was killed because the perpetrator has a profound hatred for Asian females, is it my fault for showing my ethnicity and gender? How dumb can you be and still breathe?
Rape has so much more to do with power, violence and disrespecting the victim than sexual attraction. It takes an ignorant self-absorbed bigot to push the responsibility on women for the violence that we face. Women of all ages, creed, and styles are violated, hurt and killed everyday. The perpetrators are fully responsible for their criminal barbaric actions and none of these women deserve to be hurt.
Modesty is good, for both men and women, but it is a choice for individuals. It is my choice to dress modestly or minimal. But even if I am to walk around half-naked, yes, I will attract the attention of men and perhaps arouse them, but still, nobody has the right to assault me or disrespect me. What is wrong, is wrong.
If Hilali simply has to boss people around, may I suggest that he teach men, and himself, to treat all women with respect and dignity because women are full-fledged human beings? That men have to respect and honour a woman's right to choose, and it is wrong for them to force themselves, or their opinions on women just because they are physically stronger.
Finally, it is NOT in the Bible that women should wear veils, and Hilali has failed to show specifically where in the Bible he has derived his erroneous information. Perhaps, as the head of a mosque, he has the right to interpret the Koran for the Muslims. But he is way out of line for attempting to tell Christian women what to do. As someone who studies the Bible way more than he does, I shall emphasise that he is wrong, and his ill-researched and ridiculous writings are an insult to the Bible and women all over the world.