Saturday 29 March 2008

The Middle Way?

'Dalai Lama pleads for peaceful dialogue on Tibet'

Hmm... the Dalai Lama advocates his 'Middle Way' policy again, asking for 'meaningful self-rule' for Tibet while remaining a part of China. He said that protestors are seeking that, and not independence.

I disagree. The way protests seem to be going, protestors are very anti-Chinese government and I think the last thing they want is to be under continued Chinese control. Also, I doubt the Chinese government would be able to give Tibet reasonable autonomy. The Chinese political system is not conducive to decentralised power. The Communist Party needs maximum control to maintain the authoritarian regime, especially when it comes to a massive region of a different ethnicity and religion.

I understand that the Dalai Lama is a religious leader above all else and his priority is to advocate peace, which is great. However, this peace needs to be long-term, not just a temporary calm before a storm.

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